Friday, May 2, 2008


Originally uploaded by David Foster Nass

Equity of Access (or its opposite): at last found something representative!

I have to admit that it took me quite a bit of time to configure my weblog with Flickr. This is all very new to me and at times a bit overwhelming. I am worried that it takes more of my working time that it should.


Maye said...

Yes, I know what you mean. But it is real work.

It reminds me that in all of this, like with any new skill, you need to use it or lose it - otherwise you invest too much time working out how to do it again each time you start out.

At the Library, this has implications for how we organise our work as we embrace all these new opportunities, I think.

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

It does take a while at first when everything is new ... but by the end you will be flashing through the activities. I like your choice - it is amazing how a picture really does tell a thousand words.

Mylee (PLS)

Natarsha said...

Hi Wonderer.
It took me a while to set up my flickr account too but now it's done I feel as if I can use this fabulous resource in numerous ways. This course is fabulous and I wish that I could spend loads more time on it. Lately I'm finding that I'm spending time on the computer investigating web 2.0 stuff instead of watching tv.
Btw great photo!